Environmental Commission
2024 Commission Members

Name  Term Expires
Mario Caballero, Chair  12/31/2026
Geoff Varty, Vice Chair 12/31/2025
Sandra Butcher, Planning Board Liaison 12/31/2026
Sandra Millward  12/31/2025
Robert Parkanyi, 12/31/2024
Douglas Pecota 12/31/2024
Danielle Kearsley 12/31/2024
Amy Switlyk, Council Liaison  
Amelia Reitman, Alternate #1 12/31/2025
Daniel Aguanno, Alternate #2  

Mission: The Clinton Township Environmental Commission seeks to protect and improve the quality of our land, water, air, flora and fauna by advising Clinton Township on actions and policies of sustainability and environmental protection. Through education and outreach, the Commission seeks to inspire our community to incorporate environmentally responsible practices in their daily lives.”

The Clinton Township Environmental Commission (CTEC) was formed in 1980 and has six members. It works to advise the Planning Board, Board of Adjustment and Township Council on site plan application review, ordinance development and pertinent environmental issues. CTEC is a participating member of the Association of New Jersey Environmental Commissions and works closely with the South Branch and Upper Raritan Watershed Associations on watershed protection projects, stream sampling and stream clean-ups. CTEC has an updated Natural Resources Inventory (NRI) with a digital Geographic Information Systems mapping system. This computerized living tool is continuously updated to provide Township officials with the ability to make educated and informed decisions about environmental resource protection.

Environmental Commission 2023 Annual Report

Environmental Commission 2022 Annual Report

Clinton Township Natural Resource Inventory (NRI): 

Information concerning Single Use Plastics

Lead Education and Outreach

EC Chair
Mario Caballero

Meetings are held on the 1st Thursday of the Month at 7:00 pm
Click here to Join Monthly Meeting Microsoft Teams Link

Meeting ID: 258 670 998 951
Passcode: Y6cNrw

Green Team Chair
Mario Caballero
Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of the Month at 7:00 pm

Public Safety Building
1st Floor Conference Room
1370 Route 31 North
Annandale, NJ